Reptiles and amphibians belong to the cold-blooded quadrupeds. These groups can be divided into several taxonomic groups such as among the reptiles the snakes, turtles, lizards, worm lizards and crocodiles. Amphibians include frogs, toads, salamanders and worm salamanders. The collection is arranged taxonomically and contains more than 100,000 recorded reptiles and amphibians. Most are kept in glass jars or large containers in formaldehyde but there are also a large number of dry mounted skeletons and skins in the collection. Geographic focuses of this collection are the Netherlands, Europe, Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia and Japan, Suriname and the Amazon.
The material of the Physics Committee has been collected in Java, New Guinea, Sumatra, Moluccas and Borneo, among other places. This collection has been a very valuable source for the descriptions of new species, contains many type specimens and is still of great scientific and cultural-historical value.
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Peter Uetz et al., A global catalog of primary reptile type specimens; Zootaxa 2019 Nov 12;4695(5)
Zoologische Mededelingen , Volume 84 - Issue 8 p. 159- 199
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