Press releases
2024 and older

Tentoonstelling Triceratops: de kudde
October 18th, 2024

Unique dinosaur exhibition by Naturalis now open

Naturalis Biodiversity Center is the first and only museum in the world to present a herd of five triceratopses. Experts from Naturalis worked on the unique discovery for more than eleven years. Eppo Bruins, minister of Education, Culture and Science…
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An emu reaches out to a researcher. On the right is a 3D model of an emu running
September 26th, 2024

Bird paradox solved Why emus run differently from us

At first glance birds may not seem good runners. Try it yourself: bend your knees and run around on your toes while keeping at least one foot on the ground at all times. This feels unnatural to a human, but birds do this regularly. An international team…
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by Naturalis

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Press file Triceratops
The herd of Naturalis

Naturalis has found no fewer than five triceratopses together in Wyoming (United States). Researchers from Naturalis, together with paleontology students and a team of volunteers, uncovered more than 1,200 bones and bone fragments. Research shows that this is a unique find: it is a herd!

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Illustratie kudde triceratopsen van Naturalis - Bart Bus

The origins
of our collection

Our collection holds millions of objects that have been collected worldwide over the course of many centuries.

Read more about the origins of our collections

Dubois skull cap
Butterflies in the Naturalis collection

Press file
Naturalis' T. rex

This press file holds information about our T. rex. Footage is also available through this file. Please note that footage may online be used when Naturalis is mentioned

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Kop van T. rex Trix in kist
T. rex Trix van voren