Triceratops on tour The herd is loose!

Construction of Triceratops at the library

In 2013, Naturalis made a unique find in Wyoming (USA): five Triceratops! After years of excavation, preparation and research, the dinosaurs are ready to be presented. Triceratops is coming to you this summer! We are organising this together with public libraries – the “living rooms of the city” – and local natural history museums. In five cities in the Netherlands, you will be able to view one of the members of the herd free of charge. The skeletons of these iconic herbivores will be reconstructed under the watchful eye of the public. Public libraries and museums will also be offering a dinosaur programme for young and old, focusing on reading pleasure and imagination.


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in the country

Young and old, from north to south, will have the chance to come face to face with a Triceratops at one of the public libraries below this summer. In cooperation with local natural history museums, numerous reading and other activities and events are planned, where you can learn more about dinosaurs, nature and doing research. Join us at the public libraries and museums!

A member of the herd will come to you

We are proud to work with partners spread across the country. Will you visit this summer?

Mood impression of the exhibition
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Triceratops in the Dino Time hall at Naturalis

Latest news
about the herd

Become a friend of
the herd

Have you always wanted to work with a dinosaur? 


Wanted: enthusiastic volunteers

The efforts of volunteers are invaluable in this project. Would you like to be part of this special collaboration? In that case, please come and help at one of five locations in the Netherlands. We're looking for Dutch speaking volunteers.

For more information (in Dutch) and to apply

Volunteer answers visitors' questions

Boer Boris
en de dino

This year Naturalis is all about Triceratops. 'Boer Boris en de dino' is the picture book that fits in seamlessly with this.

A new adventure with farmer Boris

This nineteenth part in the Dutch series by the acclaimed picture book makers Ted van Lieshout and Philip Hopman, farmer Boris is back in action. As he is ploughing his land, his plough gets stuck. What could be the problem? To their surprise, farmer Boris, Berend and Sam find a giant bone in the ploughshare! Together, they set out for adventure and start digging. Soon, they discover a hundred bones, complete with a skull. It turns out to be an actual Triceratops! Farmer Boris quickly decides to call Naturalis.

More about Farmer Boris

Boer Boris en de dino

Triceratops: the herd

Naturalis will present a world first from Thursday October 17, 2024: a complete Triceratops herd! In this unique and interactive family exhibition, for the first time, you will have the chance to come face to face with five impressive Triceratops skeletons and learn more about their fascinating world.

Triceratops horridus in Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Triceratops: the herd

To be anticipated! Triceratops horridus : this giant herbivore is an icon of the dinosaur era. It is also extremely rare; only a handful of skeletons can be seen worldwide. Until now! Naturalis is working on a blockbuster exhibition on Triceratops…
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the herd of Naturalis

An exceptional find

In 2013, a team of experts from Naturalis stumbled upon a unique find in Wyoming, USA. Over several expeditions to the site, the researchers uncovered hundreds of fossilised bones and bone fragments of the world-famous dinosaur species Triceratops horridus, all at a single location. It turned out to be five individuals – a herd! Such a large and significant find is unprecedented worldwide.

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Jimmy de Rooij on the Triceratops expedition
Paleontologist's brush during the Triceratops expedition