The ISBI department focuses on international, national and institutional collaboration in the field of infrastructures for data, science, innovation, and biodiversity management. It initiates, coordinates and aligns initiatives and activities funded in an international or national context. The ultimate objective is to support Naturalis’ response to the challenges and opportunities presented in the global landscape of mass digitisation, open science and data, and Research Infrastructures.
Collaborationfor biodiversity
ISBI supports the development of concepts around data-driven Research Infrastructures and international collaborations. Our team provides the technical and managerial expertise vital for coordinating large-scale biodiversity-related projects at Naturalis. The digital infrastructure developed in our projects will help enable scientists, policymakers, and other experts to produce, publish and re-use integrated mass-scale biological and geological data. These efforts will aid the integration of the currently fragmented research landscape to address urgent environmental and anthropogenic challenges.
Who we are
- ISBI Team
Eva Alonso
ISBI Department Head, DiSSCo Head of Governance Affairs
Oversees the department and coordinates a cluster of activities to secure synergy between the ISBI programme and development at institutional, national and international levels.
Wouter Addink
Coordinator Research Data and E-infrastructures
Development of (inter)national projects on biodiversity e-infrastructures. Coordinates all things technical in ISBI and is a fluent speaker of acronyms.
Gabriela Dankova
Community development manager (BIOSCAN Europe)
Coordinates the development and establishment of the BIOSCAN Europe network.
Vania Leonardo Ferreira
Project Officer
Coordinates general and financial administration of European Union-funded projects. Member of the DiSSCo Coordination & Support Office.
Julian Lopez Gordillo
FAIR Data Specialist
Responsible for the FAIR and Open Science aspects of the Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) while also supporting other ISBI and Naturalis initiatives on that front.
Sharif Islam
Senior Data Architect, DiSSCo Data Architect
Identifying evolving data infrastructure needs of relevant stakeholders within Naturalis and translating these into specifications and a functional, integrated architecture. Forming the technical and strategic link between the international projects and Naturalis.
Andres Rivera Quiroz
Project Manager Assistant/ Project Administrator (Biodiversity Genomics Europe)
Responsible for the administration, logistics, and management assistant of the BGE project. Also supporting in-house initiatives for collaboration between ISBI and different sectors of Naturalis.
Niels Raes
Programme manager, NLBIF Node Manager and DiSSCo-NL National Node Manager
Coordinates a stream to secure synergy between different ISBI programme projects, and relevant projects and developments at institutional and (inter)national levels.
Roya Shokoohi
Senior EU Project Manager, Project Manager of Biodiversity Genomics Europe
Responsible for the day to day management and implementation of BGE activities and methodology , high level planning, financial managment, quality control and risk management , coordinating Citizen Scientists activities across the project, monitoring ethical requiremnts of different tasks and liaising with the project officers from EU commission.
Max Schoettler
- ISBI Associates
José Alonso
Senior Communications and Outreach Officer (Communications)
Coordinates the development and implementation of communications strategies and initiatives of EU-funded projects such as DiSSCo and Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE).
Tom Dijkema
Junior Software Developer (Applications Development and Management)
Develops software for DiSSCo's end-users to interact with the digital infrastructure. Also involved in improving the accessibility of the Geoscience Collections Access Service (GeoCASe).
Sam Leeflang
Lead Programmer (Applications Development and Management)
Responsible for developing DiSSCo's core services and keeping them alive and kicking.
Soulaine Theocharides
Software Developer (Applications Development and Management)
Develops software for the DiSSCo and BiCIKL projects. Implementing an identifier system to allow the two projects to interoperate with each other and with other diverse biodiversity initiatives.
Ni Yan
Business Developer
Developing large-scale European projects led by Naturalis and AI species identification services, coordinating key internal and external aspects of the EU projects, proposals and AI services.
Dimitris Koureas
Naturalis Managing Director for Digital & Chief Information Officer, Executive Director DiSSCo Research Infrastructure