My research focuses on animal sound and machine learning (AI). I develop methods to understand animal behaviour and monitor animal populations, using modern computational methods to uncover new evidence from audio data.
Machine learning, deep learning, AI, audio, bioacoustics, animal vocal communication
- V. Morfi, R. Lachlan and D. Stowell, Deep perceptual embeddings for unlabelled animal sound events. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150, 2 (2021).
- D. Stowell and J. Sueur, Ecoacoustics: acoustic sensing for biodiversity monitoring at scale, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 6(3), 217-219, 2020.
- D. Stowell, T. Petruskova, M. Salek, P. Linhart, Automatic acoustic identification of individual animals: Improving generalisation across species and recording conditions, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 (153), article 20180940, 2019.
- W.J. Wilkinson, M. Riis Andersen, J.D. Reiss, D. Stowell, A. Solin, End-to-End Probabilistic Inference for Nonstationary Audio Analysis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2019), 2019.
- V. Morfi and D. Stowell, Deep Learning for Audio Event Detection and Tagging on Low-Resource Datasets, Applied Sciences, 8(8), article 1397, 2018.
- D. Stowell, Y. Stylianou, M. Wood, H. Pamuła, H. Glotin, Automatic acoustic detection of birds through deep learning: the first Bird Audio Detection challenge, Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2018.
- D. Stowell. Computational Bioacoustic Scene Analysis. In Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events, T. Virtanen, M. D. Plumbley, and D. P. W. Ellis (eds.), Springer, Oct. 2017.
- D. Stowell, L. F. Gill, and D. Clayton. Detailed temporal structure of communication networks in groups of songbirds. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13(119), 2016.
In themedia
- Dec 2020, New Scientist: Quoted in article “Dr Dolittle machines: How AI is helping us talk to the animals”
- May 2020, VogelKlang festival: Video (30min) "Why do birds chirp?"
- Feb 2020, Climate Home News: Article “One million solar panels! If only we knew where they were”
- Sep 2019, BBC Radio 4: interviewed on “Auditory illusions” BBC Radio 4 documentary (with Prof Trevor Cox)
- Mar 2019, Nature: interviewed in article “AI empowers conservation biology”
- May 2018, SoundCamp festival: ‘Animal Diplomacy Bureau’ event, live-action game for adults and children
- Sep 2016, The Conversation: Article “We made an app to identify birds, & learned something odd about people”