Maaike van den Hil

Maaike van den Hil

As a PhD candidate at Naturalis and the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), I am researching alternative pollinators for crops, with a focus on lettuce. I am especially interested in wild bees, biodiversity, and plant-bee interactions.


Biodiversity, pollination, crops, (wild) bees, sweat bees, fieldwork, ecosystem services, plant-bee interactions


Eighty percent of our crops are pollinated by insects, and this pollination is important for the quality, quantity, and value of crops. Bees contribute the most to the pollination of agricultural crops, but the most suitable pollinator has not yet been identified for every crop. Larger bees, such as honeybees and bumblebees, are often used for pollination. My research is on small wild bees that are suitable for pollinating crops with small flowers.

  • Pollinators on lettuce in The Netherlands, Spain and Australia
  • Attracting pollinators with flower strips
  • Pollenanalyses and diet of sweat bees
  • Nests of sweat bees
Wild bee on lettuce
Looking for nests of wild bees

In the
