As a world-class institution, Naturalis coordinates and participates in several EU-funded projects. In recent years, Naturalis has taken a leading role in creating Research Infrastructure, as well as applying top-notch technologies to study, understand and protect Biodiversity. These projects bring together many partner institutions that cover a broad spectrum of scientific research, from the digitization and access of Natural History Collections to the application of Artificial Intelligence, molecular biomonitoring and policy-making to help understand the human impact on Biodiversity and safeguard our natural resources.
EU projects are managed by:
Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean: DTO-BioFlow
Data on biodiversity comes from a variety of sources, including omics, optical identification, imaging, acoustics, and others. Although new technology (imaging, acoustics, DNA-based, satellite) enables biodiversity observations at previously unattainable…
Biodiversity Genomics Europe: BGE
BGE has the aim of accelerating and upscaling the use of genomic science in Europe. By bringing together two newly formed networks, BIOSCAN Europe (which focuses on DNA barcoding) and the European Reference Genome Atlas, ERGA (which focuses on genome…
Biodiversity Digital Twin: BioDT
The project's goal is to push the current boundaries of predictive understanding of biodiversity dynamics by developing a Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) providing advanced modelling, simulation and prediction capabilities. By using already existing…
Transforming European Taxonomy through Training, Research, and Innovations: TETTRIs
TETTRIs, envisions a transformative change in the field of taxonomy to build and sustain taxonomic research capacity through increasing knowledge and developing systems. TETTRIs will achieve this aim by creating joint knowledge in reference collections…
Biodiversity Community Integrated Knowledge Library: BiCIKL
BiCIKL will initiate and build a new European starting community of key research infrastructures in biodiversity and life sciences, solidifying open science practices through provision of access to data, associated tools and services at (1) each separate…
safeGUARDing biodivErsity aNd critical ecosystem services across sectors and scales: GUARDEN
GUARDEN’s main mission is to safeguard biodiversity and its contributions to people by bringing them at the forefront of policy and decision-making. This will be achieved through the development of user-oriented Decision Support Applications (DSAs), and…
Modern approaches to the monitoring of biodiversity: MAMBO
The MAMBO project aims to realise the huge potential of cutting-edge technology for species and habitat monitoring in the EU by advancing and integrating sensor development, deep learning, computer vision, acoustics, ecology, remote sensing, biodiversity…
SPRING: Towards a European Pollinator Monitoring Network
Under the project name SPRING: Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through Indicators and Monitoring, a group of research institutes are working together on a pan-European pollinator monitoring network. The aim is to systematically map insect populations on…
Distributed System of Scientific Collections: DiSSCo Prepare
The DiSSCo RI aims to build one single European Natural Science Collection that digitally unifies all European natural science assets under common access, curation, policies and practices. DiSSCo is committed to do this while ensuring that all the data is…
ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research: ENVRI
To implement the FAIR principles in the ENVRI community and connect it to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Common policies, open standards, interoperability solutions, operational services, and stewardship of data on the basis of FAIR (Findable…