Biodiversity Digital Twin: BioDT


The project's goal is to push the current boundaries of predictive understanding of biodiversity dynamics by developing a Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) providing advanced modelling, simulation and prediction capabilities. By using already existing technologies and data from relevant research infrastructures in new ways, the BioDT will be able to accurately and quantitatively model interactions between species and their environment.


Launched: 1 June 2022
Ending: 31 May 2025
Geographical Scope: Europe + UK
Partners (number): 22 in 13 Countries
Funded by: Horizon Europe
Involvement level: Consortium Partner


Why is the project is necessary?

The BioDT project responds to key EU and international policy initiatives, including the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, EU Green Deal, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Destination Earth.


What kind of innovations will the project bring to the field?

In BioDT, Digital Twins will be used to mimic behaviour observed in nature, with the purpose of developing an improved understanding of biodiversity dynamics in response to diverse human pressures, including climate change. To address this objective, BioDT will develop digital twins designed to meet the requirements of several BioDT Use Cases. BioDT will exploit the LUMI Supercomputer and employ FAIR data combined with digital infrastructure, predictive modelling and AI solutions, facilitating evidence-based solutions for biodiversity protection and restoration.

Naturalis is leading WP5 focused on improving the quality of data, workflows and models through FAIR Principles. We are also closely involved with each use case and modelling development process. Naturalis will also play a role to connect BioDT with other European projects and FAIR initiatives. The emphasis on FAIR and Digital Twin is a unique element for such a project (typically not emphasised in other DT projects).