On Wednsedag May 22 - World Biodiversity Day - Naturalis Biodiversity Center calls upon the coming Dutch government to pay more attention to the bad state of nature. Over a hundred protestors in dinosaur costumes will drop down at 9:30, as a nod to the mass extinction of species.
Worries aboutbiodiversity
Nature worldwide isn't doing too great and in the Netherlands, things are even worse. The combined climate and biodiversity crisis will force us to intervene and make choices. The upcoming government does not appear to realize this completely, and that's why we will organize a demonstration this Wednesday. At the initiative of Naturalis Biodiversity Center, at 9:30 there will be a dinosaur die-in at the Bezuidenhoutseweg in The Hague, where other organizations will join in. Afterwards, at 9:45, Naturalis will hand over a manifest to the members of parliament involved in legislation involving nature.
"The government itself states that biodiversity loss is one of the biggest risks for the Dutch economy", prof. dr. Koos Biesmeijer, the scientific head of Naturalis, says. "Nature provides us with clean air, pollination of our crops, clean water and many other ecosystem services. Protecting and strengthening it is in our own best interest."
In the manifest, Naturalis aks for a consequent and visionary biodiversity policy. In short:
- Follow through on already existing national and international nature policies and agreements.
- A radical switch in monitoring and measuring biodiversity is necessary for effective policy.
- Invest in research into the state of nature, in order to measure the impact of government policies.
More informationNot for publication
This action is initiated by Naturalis Biodiversity Center; other Dutch organizations are supporting it, including the World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, Vogelbescherming Nederland, IUCN and Stichting de Noordzee.
Media are very welcome to report on the demo and the handing over of the manifest. Get in touch through communicatie@naturalis.nl of 071 - 7519648
Images and video can be found in this press folder. During the event, additional footage will be added. We will also add the full text of the manifest.