Maaike de Voogd

Maaike de Voogd

At Naturalis I have worked on various projects. During this time I have been involved in both fieldwork and data analysis. For example, I have inventoried the diversity of soil animals in city gardens and monitored wild bees in both urban and rural areas. With the help of historical data, I have investigated the effect of climate change on the phenology of wild bees. Currently I am working on improving species distribution models of wild bees.

Key words

Wild bees, pollination, modeling, biodiversity, urban nature, soil animals.


I am working on Leon Marshall's Veni project BeeConnected, where we are trying to improve species distribution models (SDMs) of wild bees by adding interactions with plants.

Models can help to predict where wild bees can occur. These models are used, for example, to designate important areas for nature conservation. Often, however, these models do not take into account the interactions between species, such as the flowers that wild bees visit. By adding interactions between wild bees and plants to the models, we hope to increase their predictive power, allowing us to more reliably predict where wild bees can occur, both in the present and under future conditions.

Violet carpenter bee on the flower of a Bergamot plant.
European wool carder bee on the flower of a Lamb’s ear.