Marten Schoonman

profile image marten schoonman

Marten is bioprocess engineer and enjoys the application of knowledge in practice, bringing clarity in complex matters and creation of realistic steps to achieve ambitions. He is a process facilitator with extensive project management experience. He enjoys working in a multi disciplinary environment and building bridges. 

He is passionate about the application of knowledge, data and technology to enable caring for nature. He has experience with data and information processes, standardisation and visualisation. And how these can lead to user-friendly applications, communication products and insights for decision making in policy and society. 


Biodiversity, Pollinators, Policy, Project management, Knowledge tools, Strategy and impact, Theory of change

Marten Schoonman

Senior Policy Officer
Team Biodiversity and Society
LinkedIn profile


Marten works on the following projects and programmes:

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Biodiversity Opportunity Map Green Nets

In this project, Naturalis Biodiversity Center is working with Green Nets on the mapping of opportunities to strengthen biodiversity. Green Nets has a unique position and the potential to form a national natural infrastructure, in order to contribute to…
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KANO Opportunity analysis for nature development

The OpportunitiesAnalysis for NatureDevelopment (KANO) has been developed to map out opportunities for improving nature quality and realizing nature restoration. This tool makes it possible to give stakeholders, such as managers, provinces, municipalities…
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Dutch nature data analysis

In this project, Naturalis Biodiversity Center is working with Green Nets on the mapping of opportunities to strengthen biodiversity. Green Nets has a unique position and the potential to form a national natural infrastructure, in order to contribute to…
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