Anne Schulp professor of vertebrate palaeontology

December 20th, 2018
Anne Schulp

As of January 1st, 2019, Naturalis researcher Dr. Anne S. Schulp (1974) will start as professor in vertebrate palaeontology at Utrecht University, for 2 days a week. He is currently researcher in vertebrate palaeontology at Naturalis Biodiversity Center, with a special interest in reptiles from the Age of Dinosaurs.

Profile Anne Schulp

Find the scientific profile of Anne Schulp here


Following his masters’ in Earth Sciences (1998) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Schulp worked as a curator at the Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht. In 2006, he obtained his PhD at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, on his work on mosasaurs from the Type Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous). In the past two decades, Anne worked extensively in the Middle East, on dinosaurs from Oman, and dinosaur tracks from Yemen, and in Angola, where the PaleoAngola Project resulted in the discovery of a new dinosaur Angolatitan, and multiple new mosasaurs, including Prognathodon kianda.

As of 2013, Anne is a researcher at Naturalis. The development of the new dinosaur gallery of the new museum involved the excavation of a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in Montana, US, as well as the discovery and excavation of a herd of the horned dinosaur Triceratops in Wyoming. At Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Schulp is the honorary curator of palaeontology.

Collaboration with Utrecht University

The Vertebrate Palaeontology chair is currently held by prof. dr. Jelle Reumer. In 2019, Schulp will take over his teaching duties, in the year leading to Reumer’s retirement to professor emeritus.

'I’m particularly looking forward to being able to tighten the links between Utrecht University, the natural history museums and the amateur fossil collectors community in vertebrate palaeontology, in The Netherlands and abroad,' Schulp says. 'The chair has a major emphasis on teaching and outreach. Combined with my position as a researcher at Naturalis, I’m convinced we will be able to start even more wonderful projects together in years to come.'

Samenwerking met de Universiteit Utrecht

De leerstoel vertebratenpaleontologie wordt op dit moment bekleed door prof. dr. Jelle Reumer. In 2019 neemt Schulp Reumer’s onderwijstaken over, in de aanloop naar diens emeritaat in 2020. "Ik kijk er bijzonder naar uit om in deze nieuwe functie de band tussen de Universiteit Utrecht, de natuurhistorische musea, en de amateur-fossielenverzamelaars op het vlak van de vertebratenpaleontologie verder te mogen versterken," zegt Schulp over zijn nieuwe positie. "De leerstoel heeft een nadrukkelijk zwaartepunt op het vlak van onderwijs en outreach; gecombineerd met mijn positie als onderzoeker bij Naturalis weet ik zeker dat we de komende jaren in nauwe samenwerking nog meer mooie projecten van de grond zullen krijgen."