On the Mendelweg, diagonally behind the Naturalis building, the construction of a new parking garage will start in mid-2024, according to the current schedule. As soon as the parking garage is ready, the current parking lot behind Naturalis will make way for the biodiversity garden.
Newparking garage
On the Mendelweg, diagonally behind the Naturalis building, the construction of a new parking garage will start in mid-2024, according to the current schedule. This parking garage offers parking facilities to visitors and employees of Naturalis, as well as to visitors of companies and institutions from the surrounding area, including the Bio Science Park. The parking garage will have approximately 580 (paid) parking spaces. The parking garage takes into account the parking of a large number of electric cars. There will also be places for shared cars and a bike park for rental bicycles. The parking garage also serves as a Park & Ride location. Rental bicycles make it possible to visit the city center. The parking garage is expected to be ready by mid-2025.
Biodiversity gardenat Naturalis
As soon as the parking garage is ready, the current parking lot behind Naturalis will make way for the biodiversity garden. A place that is beautiful all year around and different every day. A freely accessible and beautifully green place for everyone: visitors, local residents and passers-by.