of banks

Which plants grow along ditches and puddles? What does this say about the quality of the banks? Together with citizens, we hope to find out which plants grow along banks. To help you with that, 23 easy-to-recognize plant species have been selected that say something about the quality of the banks. We want to use the results to improve riverbank management and increase biodiversity around riverbanks. Everyone can participate by inspecting the ditches, puddles and canals in your own neighborhood using the Oeverplanten-app (In Dutch only, for now). In this way you contribute to real research and experience the ditches and banks in a different way. From May 15 till September 15 everyone can participate in the riparian plant research

Sloot met dijkje en oeverplanten
Deelnemer oefenplantenproject

Take your magnifying glass
and discover hidden urban nature

We hope to learn more about the hidden nature in cities together with city residents. Together, we investigate mosses, lichens and soil life. We use this knowledge to make cities greener and more climate proof for the future. What kind of hidden nature can you find in cities? And can you use lichens as a measure of heat stress? Together with you, we hope to answer these questions!! 

We could really use your help. Are you ready to join us on a city safari to discover the invisible life in cities? Check out this page (In Dutch only, for now) to find out what you can do for us.

Dooiermos op een boom

Beach Shell Count
roam the beaches

Are you gonna help us count shells? It is not just  fun, but also very useful! During this day, you help scientists by collecting data about shells from the Dutch beaches. This data helps us to gain insight into what lives on our beaches, and about the changes in our beach shell composition over the years. On March 25, you can help us by collecting 100 shells and classifying them by species name. This will be a piece of cake with the help of the search map. Did you find something that is not on the map? Then you found something special! Our volunteers on the beaches and at our 'Shelldesk' at Naturalis are happy to help you find out what it is! 

More information about this day? Check out the Beach Shell Counting Day website

Schelpen op het strand

National Bee Count
Bumblebees, honeybees and other pollinators

Will you also contribute to de Nationale Bijentelling (National bee count) on April 15 & 16? The Dutch wild bees are in danger, but therefore so are 80% of our food crops and 75% of our wild plant species. So, we need to protect our pollinators! Therefore, Naturalis is organizing the National Bee Count again on April 15 & 16. By participating, we will find out which bumblebee species and other wild bees occur in the Netherlands and in what numbers. Also, we gain insight into the best way of helping the bees, so they get enough food and shelter. Therefore, your participation is very important for the wild bees!

Difficult to see the difference between bees or you need more information? Read more on this website 

Kinderen die meedoen aan de Nationale Bijentelling
Wegvliegende hommel op een bloem


Discover other Citizen Science projects in the Netherlands using the 'Ontdek Natuur in jouw Buurt' website. 'Ontdek Natuur in jouw Buurt' is a collaboration of IVN, KNNV and Naturalis.