Ice Age fossils neatly organized

May 29th, 2024
Ice Age fossils

Cave lion, brown bear, aurochs: they all could be found in the Netherlands, once, long ago during the Ice Age. The CollAction team didn't know that, but now we pass the skulls, bones, teeth through our hands every day, as we neatly store their fossils. 

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The state of
the Ice Age collection

Many objects in the mammoth and Ice Age collection are packed in plastic in tall geo-boxes. Because of their weight, they compress each other and break down. In addition, the plastic of the bags breaks down and therfore labels become detached from the objects. The goal of this project is for the collection  to be packaged better, in individual units, which in turn can be stacked in geo-boxes. 

Playing tetris
with fossils

Fortunately, we all like puzzles and tetris, because every now and then you have to be pretty creative to get as many bones in the box as possible without them lying on top of each other. And some of the time also goes into folding the boxes and compartmentalizing. Fortunately, we have the space in the geolab, because for this work you quickly need a wide table per person to lay out your stuff. 

storing Ice Age fossils