Buddiesin nature
Go explore
Naturalis is an expert on the topic of biodiversity and, along with IVN Natuureducatie, a partner of Albert Heijn. For more information about MoestuinMaatjes and useful information about growing vegetables, check the website of Albert Heijn (in Dutch).

By growing your very own vegetables, you’ll see, on a small scale, what is happening all over the world; animals and plants working together. Biologist Auke-Florian Hiemstra takes a look at our collection and will show you some really special buddies in nature.

Become smarterwith Natuurwijzer
Is there anything in nature you want to learn more about? By using Natuurwijzer you’ll definitely get smarter. Expand your knowledge, perhaps for a presentation, by learning everything about buddies in nature, biodiversity, insects and so much more.

It is timefor biodiversity
All animals, plants and fungi live together in your garden. They can’t exist without each other. We call this biodiversity. You can imagine it as a tower, made out of blocks. If you take out too many blocks, the tower will fall down. All life is dependent on other lives. Without flowers there are no bees, without trees there are no monkeys and without plankton there is no fish. We, as humans, are also part of this tower, which is why we should be careful with nature. The tower is already shaking. We can still do something: it is time for biodiversity!