How did man come to be? Naturalis attempts to answer this sweeping question in an original way. It does so through a set of unique fossils belonging to Homo erectus, one of our earliest ancestors.
Eugène Dubois'discoveries
In the Early humans gallery, Dutch physician and researcher Eugène Dubois (1858–1940) invites you along on his mission to find the "missing link" between primates and mankind. He was the first to make such an attempt. The journey will take you to Java, where he found these fossils.

The ideabehind Early humans
Scientifically speaking, the origin of humans remains shrouded in many mysteries. What is certain, at least, is that this debate is now an open conversation. This situation is very different from Eugène Dubois' own time, when his declaration that man was part of nature met with much resistance. His personal search for evidence forms the thread in this gallery. It lets you experience what never giving up means in the quest to find out the truth about something.