Weekend of Science

Een volle tribune in LiveScience

Naturalis joins this year's Weekend van de Wetenschap (weekend of science). In our museum hall LiveScience we run an exciting program on October 7 & 8.  Visits to LiveScience are free of charge. 

Live Science
All ages
Free of charge

to do

You can see the people in our dinolab at work on real dinosaur fossils. You can ask them anything about their work and about dinosaurs in general! 

In the "work street" you can see Naturalis workers doing research or describing the museum collection. Of course, you're free to ask them anything as well. 

On this Saturday, there's also a number of interactive lectures. The theme is Artificial Intelligence (AI). What do natural history museums have to do with that? More than you might think! 

The program

11:00 Spotlight on Obsidentify: a species recognition app for your smartphone (in Dutch)

13:00 Spotlight on Obsidentify: a species recognition app for your smartphone (in Dutch)

14:00 Spotlight: Insect sound recognition. Software giant CapGemini and Naturalis joined forces this summer on AIs for insect sounds.

15:00 Spotlight: an artificial voice. Leiden company Whispp has an AI-based app for voice recognition.

AI herkent soorten op een foto


Join our educational staff on a trip to discover as many species as possible in the surroundings of Naturalis. The app ObsIdentify made by Naturalis and Observation.org can help you recognize the animals, plants and mushrooms that you find.  

Soorten zoeken in de bodem
Foto nemen van planten

of Science

On October 7 and 8 oktober the yearly Weekend of Science is held all over the Netherlands. Museums, libraries, universities and many more organize family friendly and often free science-based activities. The full program can be found on www.weekendvandewetenschap.nl (but at the time of writing only in Dutch).