I am a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) from Georgia within the Horizon 2020 Pontocaspian Biodiversity Rise and Demise Program (PRIDE).
Biodiversity conservation, Pontocaspian biota, social network analysis, environmental policy analysis, information exchange, outreach, awareness raising, capacity building, citizen science.
PRIDE Program
In PRIDE Program I am investigating the effective outreach strategies in the Pontocaspian (Black Sea-Caspian Sea) Region and the institutional and policy frameworks that may help or hinder the improved appreciation and conservation of this unique endemic biota.
Furthermore, I develop strategies and tools for stakeholder engagement on different levels for increased collaboration, capacity building and awareness raising.

A selection of the topics I am working on currently.
Within the PRIDE Program:
- Social network structure analyses behind the conservation organisations, academia and the government in Ukraine and Romania for understanding the social context of biodiversity related environmental issues.
- Environmental policy analyses in Ukraine and in Romania for understanding the current legal framework for Pontocaspian biodiversity protection.
- Researching public awareness on biodiversity in Ukraine and Romania for establishing the baseline conditions and exploring successful ways of practicing the citizen science in these two countries.
Journals SCI, peer-reviewed
Trommer G., Poxleitner M., Lorenz P., Bitzilekis L., Gogaladze A., Schultes S., Stibor H. 2017. Altered food-web dynamics under increased nitrogen load in phosphorus deficient lakes. Aquatic Sciences 79: 1009-1021. Go to website (URI)