I am an entomologist interested in freshwater diversity and conservation with a focus on dragonflies and damselflies. In addition I work on the terrestrial fauna of Aruba-Bonaire-Curacao and coordinate work on image and sound recognition.
Conservation, taxonomy, phylogeny, dragonflies, damselflies, freshwater, Dutch Caribbean, tropical SE Asia, image recognition, sound recognition
Freshwater habitats such as rivers, brooks and lakes are among the most attractive landscapes our planet has on offer. Although these habitats are on a global scale relatively scarce, they are nonetheless of vital importance for biodiversity. Climate change combined with the ever-increasing demand for fresh water by humans will put severe pressure on the biodiversity of these habitats. My work aims at describing and understanding patterns and changes in freshwater biodiversity. I do so by working on the taxonomy, distribution and phylogeny of the most beautiful of all insects: dragonflies and damselflies.
Together with over twenty volunteer specialists I work on on the terrestrial fauna of Aruba-Bonaire-Curacao. We aim to describe the diversity on these islands and make information on identification available through papers, field guides and image recognition.
In addition I coordinate part of the work on image- and sound recognition going on at Naturalis. For this I cooperate closely with collegues at Naturalis and the team of Observation.org. Our shared aim is to make “Image - and sound recognition services available for all European species which are annually used by over a 100.000 citizen scientist resulting in millions of high quality recordings.”

A selection of the topics I am currently working on.

Dragonfly & Damselfly diversity

Bhutan biodiversity project
Stichting Fonds Pontium for systematic zoology

Dragonfly & Damselfly diversity

ARISE: knowing Nature in the Netherlands
Cadena J, J-P Boudot, VJ Kalkman, L Marshall (2023). Impacts of climate change on dragonflies and damselflies in West and Central Asia. Diversity and Distributions. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13704
Kalkman VJ, J-P Boudot, R Futahashi, JC Abbott, CA Bota-Sierra, R Guralnick, SM Bybee, J Ware, MW Belitz (2022). Diversity of Palaearctic Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata). Diversity DOI: 10.3390/d14110966
Boudot, J-P, G de Knijf, S Borisov, R van Grunsven, A Schröter, VJ Kalkman (2022). Atlas of the dragonflies and damselflies of West and Central Asia. Brachytron 22 (supplement): 1-246.
Bybee SM, VJ Kalkman, RJ Erickson, PB Frandsen, JW Breinholt, A Suvorov, KDB Dijkstra, A Cordero-Rivera, JH Skevington, JC Abbott, M Sanchez Herrera, AR Lemmon, E Moriarty Lemmon, JL Ware (2021). Phylogeny and classification of Odonata using targeted genomics. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107115
Kalkman VJ, R Babu, M Bedjanič, K Conniff, T Gyeltshen, MK Khan, KA Subramanian, A Zia, AG Orr (2020). Checklist of the dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Zootaxa 4849: 1-84. DOI: 10.11646/ZOOTAXA.4849.1.1
In themedia
From 16 June (Sunday evening 9 p.m.) the Tower will be broadcast on NPO with a leading role for our work in Bhutan in the first episode. View the trailer of the series
Volkskrant: Ontwikkeling automatische cameraval voor insecten
Bionieuws: Beeldherkenning en veldbiologie