PhD Council

Every three months our PhD council organizes a full day of activities that includes workshops during the morning, and dinner and drinks afterwards!   

PhD day

These quarterly events aim to develop and polish the skills needed for successfully completing a PhD track, but are also necessary to thrive in the Academia.  Workshops include: Time management, Student supervision, Scientific Presentations, Mental health, Career development, among others.   



PhD Day
June 2022





  • On the 3rd of June our candidates had a workshop on public outreach for the Biodiversity Helpdesk Website, a project from Biodiversity XL.

  • After that we had a peer-to-peer session on Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign applied to science. We discussed several topics from how make simple photo editions and aesthetically improve your data visualization to doing your thesis cover and layout!




PhD day
February 2022

On the 17th of February our candidates learned about two fantastic internal opportunities for doing public outreach with our Education sector. These are:

  • Naturalis Live Science: A forum where expert scientist can be in contact with the museum public and let them know about their research and update them about their new discoveries!
  • Naturalis Natuurlab: Our own online course about general biology and evolution.