International courses


Naturalis is involved in several international orientated courses aimed at students and professionals.

Distributed European
School of Taxonomy

Naturalis is a partner of DEST (Distributed European School of Taxonomy), which offers education to European students and professionals in the field of biodiversity, taxonomy, and collection management.

DEST is a consortium of several institutes that provide education on taxonomy, biodiversity, geological diversity, and nature conservation. It falls under CETAF (Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities), a European research network. In addition to Naturalis, DEST currently comprises natural history institutes from Belgium, Norway, Greece, France, and Hungary. Below you can find the courses that Naturalis is involved in and that are currently available.


DEST courses


Spider taxonomy and field methodologies

This training course about spiders is part of DEST and co-organized by Naturalis. The last edition took place between February - April 2023. It is a blended course that combines online interactive modules to expand theoretical knowledge on spiders and one…
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