The ICEDIG project (Innovation and consolidation for large scale digitisation of natural heritage), which concluded in March 2020, was the first step to help tackle the complex challenge of building DiSSCo. It devised the structural pillars of DiSSCo by setting up the necessary technological, socio-cultural, and organisational features to enable the operation of DiSSCo as a unified access point to bio and geo-diversity data.
In short
ICEDIG has paved the way to mass digitisation of European natural science collections and the subsequent access to all related data in a harmonised and integrated manner across Europe.
Who workedon this project?
Naturalis was one of 12 European partners that are jointly working on the ICEDIG project. About 15 Naturalis employees were involved in the project originating from multiple departments, including ISBI. In total, Naturalis was (co-)responsible for over a dozen tasks, focussed on topics ranging from mass-digitisation of insects and digitisation of privately-owned collections, to mapping institutional collection management and liaising with the research infrastructure community.
People from Naturalis involved in ICEDIG: Wouter Addink, Tina Loo, Sharif Islam, Steven van der Mije, Sander Pieterse, Peter Schalk, Pepijn Kamminga, Niels Raes, Myriam van Walsum, Marian van der Meij, Luc Willemse, Karen van Dorp, Hannco Bakker, Eva Alonso, Eulalia Gasso, Emily van Egmond, Dimitris Koureas, Christel Schollaardt and Jose Alonso.