My research interests are the systematics, biogeography, ecology and evolution of non-marine gastropods (snails and slugs) and the history of this field. I presently focus on the land snails inhabiting the western part of the Afrotropical region, but other geographic areas are occasionally touched for phylogenetic and other comparative reasons, or by stochastic causes. The western Palaearctic non-marine Molluscan fauna has been and remains an area of interest.
Taxonomy, systematics, Mollusca, Gastropoda, snails, slugs, biodiversity, biogeography, land snails, Afrotropics, West Africa
Study of the evolution, systematics, biogeography and ecology of non-marine gastropods (snails and slugs), based on material in museum collections and newly collected material.
Within this broad field, I presently focus on the land snails inhabiting the Afrotropical region (the western part in particular), but other geographic areas like the Caribbean (a.o. Saint Eustatius) are occasionally studied. The western Palaearctic non-marine Molluscan fauna is also an area of interest, especially the Atlantic Islands.